HKT helps Fuzhou companies the way to enhance efficiency
2021-05-26 -Fuzhou -Visit to Famous Enterprises - Sharing of Digital Transformation of II-VI PhotonicsAgainst the backdrop of the global economic turmoil and difficult internal business environment, making breakthroughs via digital transformation has become the best choice for enterprises. In view of this, HKT and Landray Growth Software jointly organised a salon on 26 May with the theme of “Visit to Famous Enterprises - Sharing of Digital Transformation of II-VI Photonics”. Dozens of CIOs from well-known companies and experts were invited to II-VI Photonics to have a hands-on experience of the intelligent organisational collaboration and digitalised working model of the leading optoelectronics company. They also discussed how to swiftly innovate the information technology under the wave of digital transformation and stay ahead of competitors.
At the beginning of the event, Jiang Mingxiang from Landray Growth Software first introduced the company’s platform of smart cost control for the manufacturing sector. The professional solution enables the business collaboration among information systems within an enterprise and is efficiently integrated with third-party cloud platforms. By driving the finance with business and enhancing the efficiency with intelligence, it covers the entire process of corporate finance and taxation, so as to better support and serve the steady development of enterprises.

After that, Chen Wenfei from Landray Growth Software gave an in-depth demonstration of business upgrades with the Office Automation (OA) ecosystem as part of the company’s portfolio. The solution enables upgrading from internal capabilities and collaboration to ecological ones, from office collaboration to business collaboration, as well as from transforming business into data to transforming data into new business, thus meeting corporate collaboration needs in the era of industrial Internet.

Finally, Zhang Daxiang, PRC Business Solutions Advisor of HKT’s Commercial Group, delivered a wonderful speech entitled “SD-WAN Empowers Future by Helping Companies Become More Cost-Effective”. He gave an in-depth analysis of the digital development trend in recent years and expounded the challenges encountered by enterprises in conventional networking technology. Besides, he explained how a series of high-quality products such as the Hong Kong SD-WAN service could address essential issues at the network communication level for manufacturing companies to connect their businesses in Mainland, Hong Kong and global markets. With strong and secure network architecture, the backbone network covers over 3,000 cities in more than 160 countries and regions around the world. It enables companies to deploy comprehensive networks, to overcome challenges in their transformation, and to design flexible ICT solutions.
(Zhang Daxiang, PRC Business Solutions Advisor of HKT’s Commercial Group demonstrate how SD-WAN empowers the manufacturing companies to become more cost-effective)